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Corallie Hunt

University of St Andrews

Following a degree in Oceanography with Chemistry, I worked in several areas of the marine world. I started as a marine data manager at BODC before supporting marine conservation projects for dugong and seagrass conservation with UNEP. I then developed advice for designating Marine Conservation Zones with Natural England, before returning to academia for my PhD. Having recently submitted, I’m now working within the Sustainable Coasts and Seas team at NatureScot as a Marine Sustainability Adviser.

Project: Towards A National Inventory for Sedimentary Carbon on the Scottish Continental Shelf.

Supervisors: Prof. William Austin, Dr John Howe, Prof. John Baxter, Dr Ian Davies, Dr Urška Demšar, Dayton Dove

Keywords: organic carbon; sediment; spatial mapping; carbon stocks

Corallie Hunt
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